Red Solstice, Issue 1
40 pages, staplebound softcover, A5. Full color. New.
"Congratulations (contractor name) on being selected to participate in our new Debt Forgiveness Program! This is the perfect opportunity for (delinquent creditees/detained suspects/political dissidents/undocumented migrants) such as yourself to transcend the circumstances brought on by (your own/your ancestors') poor choices and moral weaknesses! Please sign the following statement to receive your mission briefing:"
A variety zine. Cover art by Annika "The Beastiary" Krein. Editing by Jarrett Crader. Layout by Stella Joy Condrey. Featuring the work of Andrew Walter, Christian Kessler, Ciara McOmber, Jarrett Crader, Jason Wardell, Jimble, Luke Gearing, N.L. Morrison, Sam Barrett, Seth Ian, Stella Condrey, Thrift O’Mancer, and Tyler Earnest.