Owe My Soul to the Company Store

Luther Gutekunst

  • $15.00
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28 pages, staple-bound softcover, 8.4 x 5.5 inches. Full color. New.

"Isotelus Compex: a bipartite colony on and over the moon of Callisto, divided into the Flower, an orbital cylinder-habitat, and the Bucket, a groundside colony under a dome of ice. An intricate legal partnership of public and pricate produced the complex—the Regional Authority ("the Authority") government legally owns it, while merely subcontracting the Margrave Industrial Concern ("the Concern") for construction, policing, and operations. Put simply, the Authority owns Isotelus, but the Concern runs the station. The Authority hopes to turn the complex into a stable colony—the Concern just wants a rhenium-mining work camp."

A transhumanist social adventure for Mothership. By Luther Gutekunst.

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