Scourge of the Tikbalang

Neoclassical Games

  • $12.00
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16 pages, staple-bound softcover, 7.5 x 5.5 inches. Color cover, black-and-white interior. New.

"The village of Taal is nominally part of the Rhajanate; its distance from the capital makes it largely autonomous but also vulnerable to the local brigands, warlords, and pirates of the area. Most of the village lives by fishing or subsistence level farming, as the gold mine that served as the original cause of the village's foundation was played out over a generation ago. The flow of gold may have stopped, but the village still has a sizable stockpile saved for a future emergency—and that emergency may be at hand."

A simple, above-board creature feature adventure for NGR and other OSR systems. By Zzarchov Kowolski.

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